7th July 2012, Saturday 

On Saturday evening at 6 pm, Geenu and I, attended Family Blessing meeting at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Midview city, Bishan. The service was led by Brother Robin from Chennai.

Bro Robin started the service with Praise and Worship. He sang beautifully and led people into God’s Presence. Later, he gave the message about Hannah’s prayer life and how she received answer from God. God had shut her womb for years due to which she couldn’t have children. But there a came a time in her life where she humbled herself and prayed to God by pouring out her soul. In Hannah’s prayer, we see following 6 revelations:

  • Prayer of Supplication
  • Prayer of Humility
  • Specific Prayer
  • Prayer of Vow
  • Spending time in the Presence of God
  • Praying from heart

After her prayers, God opened her womb and she gave birth to Samuel who was a mighty prophet of God. Samuel anointed Saul and David who later became the kings of Israel.

After the service, people went for prayers. He prayed and prophesied for each one personally. We too went for prayers and he prophesied accurately about our life. We were at awe by his prophecy.

Later, we had delicious chocolate cake and dinner from Upper Thomson Road.

Thank you Jesus for an awesome day 🙂

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