7th July 2012, Saturday

On the Friday evening, Geenu and I attended a powerful session at the Malayalam Fellowship, Emmanuel Assemblies of God, Upper East Coast Road, Singapore.  The worship was led by Pastor Tinu George from the El-Shaddai Ministry, Kerala. The anointing was powerful. During the prayer time, he called one lady and rebuked the spirit of cancer in her body. She was a stage 1 cancer patient and testified how the Lord delivered her from cancer and used Tinu George to reveal her disease and free her from the bondage.

Many people shared the testimony of their healing. It was a beautiful sight to see people being delivered from the bondage of sickness and disease. I enjoyed every moment of the worship and healing session. It was 11:50 pm when we reached home and had dinner.

Next day morning, Saturday, it was a teaching session. I took the MRT from Marymount and reached the Bedok station. From the Bedok interchange, I boarded bus No.16 and reached the Emmanuel Assemblies of God. Inside the church, I met Verghese uncle and aunty. Aunty had a severe backache for several years and couldn’t sit without a belt. But after viewing Tinu George’s CD, she prayed for her healing from the Lord and miraculously at that instant, she received healing. I could see the joy as she shared her testimony.

Pastor Tinu George taught on the subject of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. There is a difference in being a believer and being a disciple of Christ. Only when you take baptism, you become a disciple of Christ. The Bible says, disciples are called Christians – Acts 11:26.

He stressed to be rooted in the Word of God. We must meditate the Word of God daily. He shared certain tips like how to read the Bible. The word of God gives protection over our lives. It keeps us safe and no devil can touch us when we are rooted firmly in the Word of God.

Secondly, he stressed to love one another fervently. Majority of the people don’t love one another. He mentioned we can demonstrate our love towards one another by spending quality time, meeting the needs, through act of touch, and appreciating one another. When we love one another, all nations will know we’re Jesus’ disciple – John 13: 35.

Finally, he spoke about bearing fruits by which all men will know we are Jesus’ disciple – John 15: 8.

 8th July 2012, Sunday

On Sunday, three people took water baptism after accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I had the privilege to witness the baptism service by Pastor Roy Henry. Later at 3 pm, the service started with praise and worship by Geogy. After praise and worship, Pastor Tinu George took charge of service. He led the people into God’s presence.

He shared message from John, Chapter 20. Mary Magdalene came to the tomb of Jesus Christ, very early in the morning when it was still dark. In spite of possible persecution by the Roman soldiers, she took a bold step to visit the tomb of Jesus Christ. But when she went there, she found the stone rolled out, clothes folded and Jesus’ body not there. She ran and told Peter and John about her finding. On hearing this news, both ran towards the tomb and they did not find the body either instead they found the linen clothes folded together and went back home but Mary stood outside the tomb weeping. As she stooped inside, she saw the Angel of God at the same place where the body of Jesus had lain. The angles asked her, Woman, why are you weeping. Mary said, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where  they have laid them. Now when she said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing.

Under the anointing, Tinu George commanded sickness and disease to leave people’s body. He asked one lady to come forward and found that she couldn’t walk properly due to a knee problem. After prayers, she could walk properly and able to bend her left knee which she couldn’t do for years. She was in tears when she received her miracle.

Many other people received healing from their back problems, allergy, and pain. Later, he prayed for everyone. Finally the service ended at 5:10 pm. We took the bus to Bedok interchange and had KFC with Jibu, Jibin, Aby and Titus. Later, we took the MRT to Bishan, did some grocery shopping from NTUC and headed back home. It was 8:20 pm when we reached home. Praise God for an excellent weekend 🙂

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2 Responses

  1. Dear Brother in Christ,

    It is so nice of you to post such entries in website. God bless you. I write from Doha and i’m an accountant by profession. My name’s jeethu abraham. Tinu pastor had come to Doha as well and i know god his using him in his mighty hands. I also pray for him all the time. God bless you and your church and the members of christ in it.

    Jeethu Abraham.

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