Day 1, 6th Oct 2014, Monday, Paya Labar Methodist Church, Singapore

It was a privilege to attend the four days of School of Evangelism conducted by Reinhard Bonnke, Peter van den Burgh, Todd White, Daniel Kolenda, Sister Teresia Wairimu, and Dr Chauncey Crandall, from 6th to 9th Oct.

There were 600 delegates from 25 different countries.

Breakfast was served from 9 to 10 am and lunch from 12 to 1 pm. Each participant got chance to have a private lunch session with Dr. Reinhard Bonnke. I had the privilege to sit next to Reinhard Bonnke during lunch.

Dinner was served on the 2nd and 3rd day from 5-7 pm followed by the teaching sessions till 9 pm.

The first session of the school of evangelism was  done by Reinhard Bonnke. He spoke on the subject “A New Generation of Holy Spirit Evangelists“. He shared his personal experiences of his life in Africa and encouraged the participants to preach the Gospel with boldness and courage.

We need to press into the Promises of God. Press into it and you will be blessed. You don’t need power to do nothing. Start doing something for Jesus. Get into the gear, get into action. If God is in something, it works. Those who press through will make it.

God itches to do great things. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

We are part of God’s equation. We have to find the focus of God. Why did Jesus die? He died for sinners. When Jesus went to Zaccheus house, His reputation was damaged. The Son of Man, came to see that which was lost.

Come out of your littleness and paralysis, and get going for God. He goes with Goers and works with laborers.

While giving the message, he prophesied ” There are some one here who will spread the fire from the west to east, and North to South, in India”. India shall be saved. Alleluia. And same for China, Malaysia, Indonesia.

He shared how God spoke to him “My word in your mouth is as powerful as My word in My Mouth. Pray for the totally blind people now”.

The point is I obey the voice of the Holy Spirit. Be bold, be strong, for the Lord your God is with you.

The Holy Spirit is a healing Spirit. And where the Holy Spirit falls, any miracles, any manifestation of His Power is possible. I pray that you become thirsty for Living Water and bring life to the dead, in Jesus Name. Amen.

If God orders, He pays. If God orders, He provides. He will help you as He helped me. The acts of Apostle is the first sample of new possibilities in God by the Holy Spirit. There are far greater things that God can do.  Come out of the frustration and limitation. Jesus will turn the water into wine.

Your ministry shall be the chariot of the Holy Spirit. If God is for us who can be against us.  Why can’t you preach something that Holy Spirit can anoint. Let’s preach the Gospel. Jesus saves.

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