I thought of writing this post to share my views on how to score well in the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam. I received many emails from the readers after they read my blog. Here are some of the mails I received:
4 Tips to Improve your IELTS score
- For the Writing test, start first with essay instead of Graphs. Organizing your essay plays an important role. Check this link on how to organize your answers http://www.ieltstips.com/ielts/ielts_writing_test/task_2_-_how_do_i_organise_my_answer?.html. You can send out your writing samples to few Online English forums for review while you practice e.g. http://www.essayforum.com or http://www.thomasecafe.com. For Graphs, practice IELTS Cambridge papers and check their sample answers. Follow the same pattern.
- During the listening test, develop the habit of taking notes and write the answers first in an extra sheet of paper. Read the questions in advance and know what answers are expected from you. Since the tape is played only once, you must try to memorize what is said so that you can answer the questions later. It’s important to concentrate during the listening test. After the tape is complete, transfer the answers to the Answer sheet.
- In the Reading test, time is critical. Keep an eye on your watch as you do the reading test. It’s important that you develop the habit of reading faster with accuracy in order to answer the questions correctly. Don’t waste time in answering the questions that are hard. You can come back later after you have answered the easier ones.
- The Speaking test is similar to attending an interview. Check out few videos from Youtube to see the sample.
If you need help with the IELTS preparation, visit Thomas English Cafe.
God Bless 🙂
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