
with Pastor BennyHinn
Pastor Benny Hinn@Indonesia
Emmanuel AOG@Singapore
President APJ Kalam@Samsung
Childhood@Vithlesh apartment
LKG@Shreyas Vidyalaya
Suwon OEM@S.Korea



Halong Bay
Buckingham Palace


Pastor Tinu George’s meeting in Singapore

7th July 2012, Saturday On the Friday evening, Geenu and I attended a powerful session at the Malayalam Fellowship, Emmanuel Assemblies of God, Upper East Coast Road, Singapore.  The worship was led by Pastor Tinu George from the El-Shaddai Ministry, Kerala. The anointing was powerful. During the prayer time, he called one lady and rebuked the […]

Prayer Meeting@Jesus Calls Prayer Tower by Bro Robin

 7th July 2012, Saturday  On Saturday at 6 PM, Geenu and I attended the Family Blessing meeting at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Midview City, Bishan. The service was led by Brother Robin from Chennai. Bro Robin started the service with Praise and Worship. He sang beautifully and led people into God’s Presence. Later, he […]

Family Blessing Meeting at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower

Family Blessing Meeting at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower

21-July-2012, Saturday Today, Geenu and I, attended Jesus Calls Family Blessing meeting from 6 to 7 pm at Midview City, Bishan. There were around 26 people. The speaker was Pastor Albert Sylvin from the Church of Epiphany. He spoke on Psalm 91 from the Bible. God offers the gift of Salvation to human beings. Along with Salvation, God offers […]

Sermon by Pastor Milton Lazarus at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Singapore

On Saturday, 4th August 2012, we went to Mustaffa at Farrer Park. We were postponing the visit for a long time but finally decided to get groceries and food stuffs from there. After shopping, we had lunch from Chettinad Indian restaurant. There I met a colleague of mine who was with me in Samsung Electronics, Korea. What a coincidence to meet him in Little […]

Sermon by Pastor S. S. Samuel from Chennai

06-October-2012, 6 – 7:30 pm Today, we had an awesome time at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower Singapore during the Family Blessings meeting led by Pastor S.S. Samuel from Victorious Bethel Church, Chennai. He shared his testimony about how he came to know Christ and how God raised him to feed poor families. After his testimony, he mentioned […]

Sermon by Pastor Paul Ng

20th Oct 2012, Saturday Today, Geenu and I, attended the Family Blessings Meeting at the Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower, Midview City, Bishan. Pastor Paul Ng, from Christ the Rock church,  shared the sermon and led the Worship. The service started at 6 pm with beautiful Praise and Worship that lasted about 20 minutes. After praise […]

Sermon by Sister Selvibai

3-Nov-2012, Saturday It was Geenu’s birthday on Nov 3rd. We had a simple celebration by having a chocolate cake and delicious home cooked chicken biryani. At evening, we left for the family blessing meeting at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Midview city, Bishan. The speaker was Sister Selvibai from the Bride Prophetic Ministries, Kerala. We were […]

Sermon by Evangelist Paulson

17th November 2012 Today, Geenu and I, attended Family Blessing Meeting at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Midview city, Bishan. We were touched by the simple and powerful message by Evangelist Paulson from Peniel Faith ministries, Singapore. The service started at 6:15 pm with praise and worship.  The anointing was beautiful during the worship. After worship, Paulson preached the sermon on Being […]

Encounter by Pastor Finny Stephen

30th Nov 2012, Friday Today, Geenu and I, attended Malayalam fellowship at the Emmanuel Assemblies of God, Upper East Coast Road, Bedok. The service started at around 7:45 pm with beautiful praise and worship. After Praise and Worship, there was a wonderful testimony by a couple who got job miraculously through prayers, after being jobless for 3 months in Singapore. […]

Resurrection Power by Pastor Finny Stephen

1st Dec 2012, Saturday On Saturday, Geenu and I, attended the Malayalam fellowship at the Emmanuel Assemblies of God, Upper East Coast Road. We were late for the service and missed the Praise and Worship session. When we entered the hall, the atmosphere was electric, Power of God was awesome. People were deep in the […]

Walking in the Presence of God by Pastor Finny Stephen

2 December 2012 It was the last session of the Pastor Finny Stephen’s preaching at the Malayalam fellowship in the Emmanuel Assemblies of God Church.  The service started at 3 pm with prayers followed by beautiful praise and Worship. At 3:45 pm, Pastor Finny took the stage and exhorted members to speak in tongues. He mentioned […]